I miss her already! I wish she were not staying at Bartlett for three more weeks, but she needs the money and they need her help. I am grateful to Camp Bartlett and for the leadership skills they have taught my kids. Every one of my seven children have served there in various positions and have learned life's lessons every summer.
Emily and I tried to figure out how to get the new California state outline on the blog, but we have not been successful. Rachel was the artistic one who designed this blog for me before leaving and without her we are a little lost. We may have to ask her in our weekly e-mail so we can put California in as our new missionary state.
It's hard to believe that the boys have been out almost five months and Rachel is coming up on three months! I know the time will pass quickly because it already has, and it won't be long until all four kids come home. But honestly, how did we go from this:
to this!
For all you moms who think that childhood lasts forever, and that the days of crying babies will never end......all of a sudden they are all grown up, and childhood is but a fading memory. I have a hard time remembering who did and said what!
I have been told by many that the year with an empty nest may be a pleasant thing! We shall see!
I am still trying to fathom that somehow I have four kids who all decided to serve a mission at the same time. I did not see that coming, but I am so grateful for their righteous decision to serve the Lord.
I am almost ashamed to post anything about myself because I don't feel as if I am making a lot of headway in projects or personal growth. But this is also a blog about the "fearful mom" and that would be me. Somehow I can see this turning out to be the kids' journeys into service and spirituality and me staying stagnant. I had a lot of projects listed for the summer, but so far I have gone to movies and lunches with friends. I don't have a lot of money for the projects I want to do, but I have a little money for the movies and you can go to the cheap theaters for only three dollars! Dorma and I have found you can eat fifty cent tacos and get a free senior drink at Del Taco, so hey, we are all into that! I could, however, organize and clean but you have to be in the mood, and I am still waiting for the right kind of mood, hah!
Congratulations, Bethany! I could not be prouder of you, and I wish you were here to celebrate. Maybe we could get a cheap taco and see the three dollar movie!!
Sister Bethany Taylor - California, San Fernando Valley Mission
Sister Rachel Taylor - Detroit, Michigan Mission
Elder Mark Taylor - Oklahoma, Oklahoma City Mission
Elder Matthew Taylor - Ohio, Cleveland Mission