Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Skyping

Alex and Dakota laughing with Rachel
Carly and me talking with Sister Bethany Taylor
Matthew can't believe how big Ruby is getting!
       This Christmas season was crazy in so many ways!  I thought it would be less hectic having four kids in the mission field, but getting those packages out, and letters written was a big project for me.  I am a procrastinator by nature, but those missionary packages needed to be out by a certain date, and I , being the Mom, was the one to do it.  Now I must admit that Bethany got "two" copies of the Carpenter's CD and Rachel is good for pens the rest of her mission.  It reminds me of when I was little, and my mom would put the wrong thing or  quantity in our Christmas stockings.  It's all good!!
We really had a nice Christmas and I enjoyed some peace and quiet until two days before Christmas.

 My niece Heather and her husband, Bob, plus four daughters came for Christmas Eve.  I warned Anne that she better "forget" herself and enjoy her grandkids and children, and she was actually pretty good.  For those of you who do not know my sister....I am not being mean, just practical.  Her son Jonathan, his significant other, Cassie, and their sweet baby, Zayla,  came and ate soup and rolls with us.

   Then it was time to cook up three breakfast casseroles, sticky buns, chop up fruit, and clean up the mess from the peanut brittle and fudge.  As I cook like a maniac, I remember the words of one of my ESL students, Eduardo, who upon hearing that I cook a lot at Christmas...said, "no wonder you're fat, Mrs. Taylor!"  Those words still pierce my heart as I furiously whip up way too much food.  My mother showed love that way, and I am afraid that I am much the same way.  Unfortunately, little Eduardo is probably wiser than his years!!

   Christmas morning was wonderful because we had the anticipation of FOUR phone calls/skyping from our missionaries.  Mark called about 11:00 a.m.  Bethany skyped with us at noon, Rachel followed at 1:00 p.m. and Matthew skyped with us at three o'clock.  It was so much fun to see their faces that I must admit to feeling a little gypped when it came to Mark.  His mission does not skype, but we had a good conversation.
  They all looked so good, and sounded wonderful.  It was so good to see their faces, and to hear that they are doing well, and enjoying their missions for the most part.  I am so proud of their diligence in keeping the commandments and can certainly see their progress in so many areas.

  The missionary moms of our ward were asked to speak in Sacrament meeting today.  Alisa got out of it because she was in St. George, but Melodee, Vickie and I spoke about Mitchell , Paige and my four. Drake is in Russia, where Alisa just reported that a bomb went off in Volgograd, not too far from him.  He is so positive and doing so well despite the problems there.  The support for our missionaries from our ward has been phenomenal, and we are so blessed!!  It is my fervent hope that they are all safe and happy in the next year and that that the desires of their hearts are fulfilled.  Paige and Rachel will be home this next year, and the boys and Bethany will soon follow.  Best wishes for a Happy New Year!!!


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